Articles | League Joe

Indoor Golf League - Update!

Posted 01-16-2024

Greetings Golfers!

We're excited to kick off our first ever golf league tomorrow night, and can't wait to turn this into a regular program for golfers of all skills.  As this is a new concept and a new venue, we are going to approach this league with a ton of flexibility.  As we go from week to week, we welcome all ideas for improvements and tweaks.  Most of all - we want everyone to have fun and whack some balls.  So let's get into it!


Each individual/team will be scored based on their performances and earn points each week.  You will earn points for defeating your opponent, and also for achieving high scores across all competitors for the week.  At the end of the league, we will crown champions and have prize packages for the winners.  More details to be shared tomorrow!


3v3 Scramble, New Course Every Week


All of our Pro Division players will group into teams of three for the entire season.  If you have friends who have not signed up yet, you have until Wednesday at 2pm to have them register.  If you wish to be a Captain for your scramble team, email [email protected] and provide us with your partners' names.  Any free agents or couples without a third will be assigned a third to join them.

All teams will be assigned an alternating timeslot starting at either 6:30pm or 8:00pm each week, and your scramble round will last an hour and a half.  At the end of the night, we will have an additional skill challenge for a Weekly Prize (i.e. Longest Drive, Closest Putt, etc).

Want to invite your friends to join?  Send them this link:


Randomized Teams, New Play Format Each Week


For our casual golfers, the name of the game is fun, so your league will feature more chaos!  Some weeks, you'll be whacking golf balls into cars, or playing putt putt, or otherwise enjoying a golf experience that won't be punishing for novice or casual players.  The scoring each week will vary depending on the game experience.

We are also going to open up CASUAL OPEN PLAY.  Do you have some friends who are curious, but not willing to commit to a full season?  Casual players will be welcome to join for $20 each week, and will be added to the pool of casual participants for the week.  We will have both weekly and cumulative scoring for our top casual players.

RSVPs for OPEN PLAY will be handled through this Facebook event here.  Open play players can pay on-site:


For our opening night, we have a couple of special rules that will apply to 1/17 only to help us kick start the league.

  • All players must complete a waiver to participate in the league.  This can be completed online here.  This must be done one time, then you're good for the rest of the league.
  • All bays will open at 6:00pm for Practice.  Feel free to come and check-in early and get some early swings
  • We have four bays total and will take the entire upper floor for the event.  Two bays will be reserved for Pro division, two bays will be reserved for Casual division.  If there are open spots during casual play, pros are welcome to come join but will be ineligible for any Casual prizing
  • $15 for Open Play Casuals ($5 Discount)

See You Soon!