Articles | League Joe

Ready to Whack Some Balls?

Posted 01-17-2024

...that's what she said.

What to Bring / Where to Go

You are welcome to bring your own clubs, but there are some available to use for free. Please complete the waiver online before you arrive. We are UPSTAIRS so when you arrive, you can head straight up.

Five Iron is located on a corner with a ton of convenient street parking in all four directions, so you should be able to find a spot within a 1-2 block walk without much issue.

Practice Play from 6:00-6:30pm

Pro Circuit


All Pro Circuit players have been assigned to teams and you should have received an email. If not, please reach out and let us know. Four teams will play from 6:30-8:00 and two will play from 8:00-9:30pm tonight. If you'd like to check out the teams, you can see the roster here. If you have the 8:00pm game, join us early and feel free to get some swings in with the casual players!

After tonight, feel free to tell us your team names and we'll update them on the site!

Casual Circuit & Open Play

Please arrive before 6:30 and check-in at our table upstairs to get your name on the list. We will scramble teams each week, and begin play at 6:30. If you have a partner you'd like to stick with, no worries - we'll keep you together!