Articles | League Joe

Schedule Update, Score Format, and More!

Posted 01-23-2024

Week 1 is in the Books!

Thank you for a fun start to the season and thanks for your patience as we work through the finer points of the league. We learned a lot in week one, and are going to make some adjustments going forward.

Pro League

Going forward, we are going to have ALL teams play a full 9-hole round starting at 7pm every night. We will open the doors at 6:30 for practice if anyone wants it, then matches will begin!
View the Schedule

We're going to try out a scoring format that many of you will be familiar with from bowling leagues. Each week, a total of 8 total points are up for grabs. 2 points for every three holes, and 2 points for overall score. So Team A could have a -2 advantage over Team B in holes 1-3, could tie in holes 4-6, and could be +1 in the final three holes. They would earn 2 points, 1 point, and 0 points for the holes, and 2 points for winning overall. Team A would defeat Team B 5-3 in this scenario.

We think this will make each third of the match meaningful.

View the Standings page here

Casual League

Blowing up cars is fun.... for a little bit. But we know that those wacky modes can last a little too long sometimes. We'll be adjusting for faster rounds and some more traditional style play (i.e. closest to the pin/hitting targets), and we'll mix in some real courses as well. The purpose will still be to have fun without too much pressure, but we'll push the style a little closer to real golf without quite as many pigeons being killed.

Please Send Us Your Team Name!

You probably told us, and we probably forgot. Sorry! Send your team names to [email protected] and we'll update them on the schedule :)