Articles | League Joe

Thank You!!!!

Posted 12-15-2023

Thank you to everyone who participated this season!! It is truly appreciated!! The coaches players umpires and fans were fantastic! We are working on a few changes for next year and will be smoother in season 3 than ever before! We are looking forward to opening up to 9 teams with game times at 630/730/830 and we will run 2 games a night just like we have before but we will have scoreboards and 3 fields next season!! March 7-April 25 2024 will be the new dates! We are going to draft teams in mid February! I will let everyone know when we get it opened! Thank you again and congrats to the Mighty Ducks on a hard earned season Championship! 

Dont forget to mark your calanders for May 3-5 2024 when we will have the League Joe Draft Tournament here in Pensacola!

Happy Holidays!