Gastonia Slowpitch - | Softball | League Joe


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Gastonia Slowpitch

Season: Coed Spring 2025 (Other Seasons)
Sport: Softball
Event Director
George Poston Park
Gastonia, NC
Day of the Week
Per Player Pricing


This event has reached capacity.

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Rules Summary

These are the most common and/or most unique rules being used for this event. Please see "Official Rulebook" for exhaustive list of playing rules. When in conflict, rules written here shall supercede those in the official rulebook.

As a player, you are responsible for knowing all official rules of the game. By participating in the league, you are agreeing that you are aware of all rules associated with the league and the sport, and agree to abide by them at all times.

The following are the rules that coaches have all agreed to for the League Joe tourney. These may differ slightly from USSSA rules or park rules, so umpires may not be aware. Please self-police and enforce these rules for your team!


This event is intended to be FUN first. We welcome players of ALL SKILL LEVELS to our fields, and therefore set rules that ensure the safety and enjoyment of our skilled players and our novices equally.

Be supportive of one another. Fighting, excessive verbal abuse, and poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated. Event organizers reserve the rights to dismiss any player from the event without refund.

Game Length: 50 minutes, finish the inning. Extra innings - last batter of the previous inning starts at second and cannot receive a courtesy runner until one batter has completed a full at bat.

Pitch Height: 6'-10' from the ground.

Pitching Gear/Net: Pitchers must either wear an approved helmet and/or utilize the provided pitching net.

Defensive Innings Played: 2 by the end of the 3rd, 3 by the end of the 5th 

Females on Defense: No more than one female may sit defensively per inning.

Outfield Throw to First: No batter may be thrown at first following a ball hit into the outfield unless by an infielder brought into the outfield through defensive actions.

Courtesy Foul: No courtesy foul.

Legal Bats: 240 USSSA stamped non-banned bats. Seniors (males: 60+, females: 50+) may swing senior bats.

Balls: Balls will be provided. Chase down any balls you hit out of the playing field.

Homeruns: Three plus one. Three homeruns and then you can hit more as long as you don't hit more than one more than the opposing team.

Courtesy Runner: Three courtesy runners per inning. Each runner may only run for one person per inning, but may run for that same person multiple times in the inning.

Male/Female Walk: If a male walks with a female behind him, he automatically gets second base and she has the option to hit or take first base. There are stipulations to this rule, check the rule book for specifics.

All rules are subject to unique situations that may affect the ability to follow the rules to the letter. Coaches (and league officials, if needed)
should work together to resolve any situations that arise that could go against any rules. Ultimately, the goal is to play the game and have fun.

Rules for Coaches

These are guidelines and rules for the event that all coaches must acknowledge and follow. Please review all rules carefully.

Official Rules

Official Rules

The official rules for the sport, which may or may not be from a sanctioning body.

Rules have not been posted yet. Please check back later.