Profile | League Joe


New Whiteland, IN

  • Fantastic attitude, always ready to help the team improve

Coach Review History

Date Coach TeamHittingSluggingOutfieldInfieldArmSpeed
08/19/24Mr McGibblets
ISP Southside Draft League - Southside Softball Draft League | Summer 24
Big Head Little Arms
06/08/24Mr McGibblets
ISP Southside Draft League - Southside Softball Draft League | Spring
Be Gentle It's My First Time
Indianapolis Ultra Draft - National Championship - Sept
Indy Clinic Hitters
ISP Southside Draft League - Summer 2023
Team Nikki
  • Fantastic attitude, always ready to help the team improve

Coach Review History

Date Coach TeamHittingSluggingOutfieldInfieldArmSpeed
08/19/24Mr McGibblets
ISP Southside Draft League - Southside Softball Draft League | Summer 24
Big Head Little Arms
06/08/24Mr McGibblets
ISP Southside Draft League - Southside Softball Draft League | Spring
Be Gentle It's My First Time
Indianapolis Ultra Draft - National Championship - Sept
Indy Clinic Hitters
ISP Southside Draft League - Summer 2023
Team Nikki