Profile | League Joe
Ray Ray

Ray Ray

Indianapolis, IN

  • This player was great all around. Great for SS, 3rd and LF. She even had amazing hits. Her sportsmanship skills are also great and was willing to do whatever best benefited the team.

Coach Review History

Date Coach TeamHittingSluggingOutfieldInfieldArmSpeed
League Jane Ultra Draft - March Indy Draft
Kalamazoo Lassies
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2019
Bat Flips and Chill
  • This player was great all around. Great for SS, 3rd and LF. She even had amazing hits. Her sportsmanship skills are also great and was willing to do whatever best benefited the team.

Coach Review History

Date Coach TeamHittingSluggingOutfieldInfieldArmSpeed
League Jane Ultra Draft - March Indy Draft
Kalamazoo Lassies
LeagueJoe Draft League - Spring 2019
Bat Flips and Chill