League Jane Ultra Draft - | Softball | League Joe


This event has reached capacity.

Alternate registration is OPEN. You may sign up as a sub.

Ultra Draft

League Jane Ultra Draft

Event: August Indy Draft (Other Events)
Sport: Softball
Event Director
Indy Sports Park
Indianapolis, IN
Registration Deadline
Sun, Aug 4


This event has reached capacity.

Alternate registration is OPEN. You may sign up as a sub.

Rules Summary

These are the most common and/or most unique rules being used for this event. Please see "Official Rulebook" for exhaustive list of playing rules. When in conflict, rules written here shall supercede those in the official rulebook.

As a player, you are responsible for knowing all official rules of the game. By participating in the league, you are agreeing that you are aware of all rules associated with the league and the sport, and agree to abide by them at all times.


Golden Rule

This event is intended to be FUN first. We welcome players of ALL SKILL LEVELS to our fields, and therefore set rules that ensure the safety and enjoyment of our skilled players and our novices equally.

Be supportive of one another. Fighting, excessive verbal abuse, and poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated. Event organizers reserve the right to dismiss any player from the event without refund.


Length: All pool play games will run for 50 minutes or the completion of 7 innings, whichever comes first. If there is any time left on the clock after the last out of an inning is made, a new inning will begin.  All bracket games will play with a 55 minute time limit.

Home/Away: The coaches will meet the umpire at home plate ahead of the game, and the game timer will start. During pool play, the umpire will flip a coin to determine home team. During tourney play Top Bracket, the higher seed has the option of selecting home or away.  During tourney play Bottom Bracket, home team is determined by coin flip.

Run Rules: Games will be declared over by "run rule" if, by the conclusion of the 3rd, 4th, or 5th or 6th inning, the winning team is ahead by 20, 15, or 10 runs, respectively.

Extra Innings: Games tied at the conclusion of the time limit or 7th inning will go into extra innings. During extra innings play, the batting team will have a runner automatically placed on second (must be the last batter from the previous inning and cannot utilize a pinch runner until one batter has completed their at bat) and all batters will face a 3-ball, 2-strike pitch count, with no courtesy foul, when they approach the plate. During pool play, no extra innings will be allowed and a tie will occur if the score is tied at the conclusion of regulation.

Substitute Players: All lineups have been balanced for the purposes of parity, and no substitute players will be allowed during the tournament, barring an emergency exception.

Emergency Exceptions:  Catastrophic injuries, player ejections, and random but extreme occurances could result in a team having fewer than 10 players to play.  In these cases, a coach may request an Emergency substitution from the Tournament Admins.  If approved, Tournament Admins will provide an available sub who is of a salary rank that is at most 20% lower salary than the lowest missing player for the team.  If a comparable player cannot be found or provided, the team will play with the roster they have available.  No emergency subs will be approved for teams with 10 or more capable players.

Emergency Exceptions - On the Field Incidents:  In the case of a catastrophic injury that occurs on the field, a Tournament Admin may not be available for approval of an emergency sub.  In this case, the Opposing Coach may approve the addition of a substitute player, provided the Opposing Coach is comfortable that the replacement player will be of comparable skill or less than the lowest skilled player removed from play.  Opposing Coach may also approve a sub with a condition they feel allows play to continue without compromising the skill level of both teams (i.e. a selected sub can only play Catcher).  Opposing Coach is under no obligation to place their team in a negative situation, but should make reasonable concessions to allow the game to continue.

Playing with Nine Players:  Teams with fewer than 10 players due to injuries, quits, and/or other unforeseen events can continue to play with nine players.  In these cases, the opposing team must provide a "Ball Returner" while they are at bat.  The Ball Returner is only there to throw the ball back to the pitcher and is otherwise not obligated to play defense or assist in getting "Outs" in any way, shape or form (i.e. they are not obligated to catch a pop up foul ball).  Once the ball is in play, the Ball Returner should step away from the field towards the fence to not give any impression of being involved in the play.  For the team with 9 players, the 10th position in the batting lineup shall count as an "out" when it comes up in the order.

Umpires: Excessive arguing and/or abusive language will never be tolerated. Umpires may issue warnings and dismiss players, coaches, and fans from a game if they are found to be abusive. Officials reserve the right to ban players with no refund if abusive behavior continues. There is zero tolerance for bat throwing. Throwing the bat will result in an immediate dismissal.


Pitching: All pitchers will be required to use either a provided safety screen or self-provided safety helmet with mask. Shin guards are highly recommended, but not required.

Unsafe Throws: Outfielders are not allowed to complete force out throws to first base. Any throw from outfield to first base for the intention of a force out will be ruled a dead ball and the runner will be awarded the base. Infielders brought into the outfield grass through defensive actions are allowed to complete the throw for a force out at first base. The runner can be thrown out at first through the use of a relay.

Hitting Middle: It's not illegal, but it is dangerous and some of our novice players may not be able to control it. But for those of you that can - don't do it. If you feel the other team is hitting middle a lot, please don't escalate.

Injury Exceptions: In the cases of injury, some rules may be bent to avoid placing players in harm's way. Coaches facing a situation that they believe requires an adjustment must discuss with the opposing coach a recommended solution. Opposing coach must approve the solution, and such approval should not be unreasonably withheld.

Injured Player / Can Not Continue: If a player is significantly injured in the course of play and cannot continue, they shall be removed from the lineup. When their batting position comes up, it shall be skipped and not counted as an automatic out. The player is unable to return to play for that game and, at a minimum, the following game if on the same day.  If it is revealed that the player was compelled to fake an injury to remove themselves from the game, the game will be forfeited by the offending player's team.

Safety Base: Any batter running to first base will tag the safety bag to the right of the first base bag. If no safety bag is in place, then the batter should run as though there is a bag there and the umpire will determine the call based on their judgment.


Metal Cleats: Metal cleats are prohibited. Please use soft or hard rubber cleats, or turf shoes only.

Equipment (Bats): Any 220 or 240 USSSA stamped bat, except those listed on the USSSA banned bats list, may be used in this event. Bats must be in good condition, and not modified in any substantial way (i.e. shaved). 

Senior Bats: Any  player 45+ years old, may request a "Senior" wristband and be allowed to swing Senior bats.  Players must wear and display wristband during each at bat, and declare to pitcher that they are using a senior bat. 

All Senior bats must be placed in appropriate containers located behind home plate.  Seniors may place their bats in the containers before the game begins, and all Senior bats must be returned to the containers following their at bat.  No Senior bats may return to the dugout or be removed from the dugout after the start of play.  

Equipment (Balls): Each team will be supplied with balls prior to the start of the tournament. Each team is responsible for providing the opponent with their team ball(s). Balls must be the provided 11" balls.


Pitch Count: All batters start with a count of one ball and one strike. A courtesy foul is not granted. For extra innings or games quickened due to weather/scheduling issues, all batters start with a full count.

Home Runs: Each team is allotted FOUR home run(s) without penalty. All home runs hit over the fence that are higher than the allotted total of home runs are automatically counted as an out.

Pinch Runners: Two pinch runners may be used for this event, plus an additional one for the pitcher.  Pinch runner must be called for by the coach and acknowledged by the umpire prior to the Pinch runner being allowed onto the field.  Pinch runner may only substitute for a runner who has touched first base at a minimum.  Runners have the right to reject a coach's suggestion for a runner if they wish to run. A Pinch Runner may only substitute for one other player per inning.  If they run once for a player and the player's spot in the lineup comes up again during the same inning, they may run again only for that player.

Batting: The batter must take position in the batter's box within five seconds of the pitcher receiving the ball after the previous at bat has completed. If the batter fails to enter the batter's box in the allotted time, the umpire shall issue a warning.  If the batter fails to enter the batter's box in the allotted time again, the umpire may call delay of game and issue a strike.

Maximum Runs Per Inning:  During Pool Play only, there are a maximum of 8 runs that may be scored by the batting team.  Once the 8th run crosses the plate, that half of the inning will end and teams will swap places in the field.  Once time limit is near, the umpire will declare "last inning" and there will be no limit on the number of runs scored by either team during that inning.  


Pitching: The ball must be pitched in a definite underhanded motion at slow speed. Pump faking is not allowed for this event. There is a 5 second pitch clock that starts when the pitcher has the ball and the batter has taken position in the batter’s box. The pitcher’s pivot foot must remain on the pitching plate. The pitcher may take one step while the pivot foot maintains contact with the pitcher's box. The pitched ball must arc to 6 feet above the ground before it passes any part of home plate. The pitched ball shall not rise higher than 10 feet above the ground.

Strikes: Any ball that lands within the strike zone while matching the height and speed pitching requirements shall be called a strike, based on umpire determination.

Pitching Screens: These screens are intended for safety, not to create an extra defensive player on the field. Screen must be positioned no more than three feet ahead of the pitching rubber. One of the pitching screen support legs must be lined up within the width of the pitching rubber and cannot be set to the side of the rubber. Pitchers using the screen must stay near the screen and cannot extend their defense away from it to create an extra fielder advantage; i.e. the pitcher must retreat part of their torso behind the net before the batter makes contact. After retreating behind the net, a pitcher may field any batted ball. If the pitcher fields a ball without retreating behind the net, it shall be a single base advancing dead ball. A ball batted into a pitcher's screen will be ruled as a foul ball. If the net is hit by a ball during a throw, the ball is still considered live. There's no multiple swapping between screen and helmet during an inning. If a pitcher uses protective equipment rather than a net, they may field the ball as normal; additionally, the team that is using the net is responsible for moving the net to and from the pitching mound.

Minimum Innings on Defense: During Pool Play, each rostered player must complete a minimum of three defensive innings in the field. During bracket play, the minimum innings played requirement is reduced to two.  Each player on the roster must play at least two defensive innings prior to the start of the 5th inning.  If a pitch is thrown in the 7th inning and a player on defense has not reached their minimum inning requirement and is on the bench and has not been previously declared out/injured, the team batting will be awarded an extra "out" for the inning, thus allowing for four total outs.  The player must immediately be installed on the defense prior to the continuation of play.

Player Conduct

Showing Up Late:  If a player is late to the field of play, for any reason, they will bat last in the lineup to allow them time to show up for play.  If they do not arrive by the time their batting spot comes up, the player will be removed from the lineup and be ineligible to play for the rest of that game. In this situation, the position is skipped and the batting team will not receive an automatic out for the missing player.

Missing Games: All teams have been balanced with the expectation that all rostered players will be available for all games. If a player must miss a game, their team will vote whether or not the player will be allowed to participate in additional games for the tournament.  A player is never to be coerced, encouraged, or strategically asked to miss any games for their team.

Abandoning the Team:  If a player is determined to have abandoned their team, they will be banned from any and all future drafts organized by this operator indefinitely. Player will need to apply to the operator in order to be re-instated for future events.

Fighting / Arguing / Poor Sportsmanship

If teams are beginning to get disgruntled and tempers are flaring, the umpires will issue a full warning to both dugouts.  After that point, no loud negative yelling or loud negative verbal communication may occur from one team directed at the other team.  Any such communication will result in an immediate ejection from the game from the offending party.  For purposes of clarification, players on opposing teams can continue to and are encouraged to chat with each other on an individual basis (i.e. congratulating a nice play/hit, having a polite convo while standing on 1st base, complimenting a nice pitch, etc) but no "Smack talk", disagreements about rules, or yelling will be permitted.  Coaches of both teams may continue speaking with one another as needed, but must do so with a tone of civility in the presence of the umpire.

Rules for Coaches

These are guidelines and rules for the event that all coaches must acknowledge and follow. Please review all rules carefully.

Official Rules

Official Rules

The official rules for the sport, which may or may not be from a sanctioning body.

Rules have not been posted yet. Please check back later.